Natural Factors 野馬鬱油 30ml

Natural Factors 野馬鬱油 30ml

Natural Factors PGX 專利多醣體 750mg 120 粒軟膠囊

Natural Factors PGX 專利多醣體 750mg 120 粒軟膠囊

Natural Factors 女性綜合維他命素食膠囊 90 粒裝

Natural Factors 女性綜合維他命素食膠囊 90 粒裝

Natural Factors 野馬鬱油 30ml


驚人的高抗氧化 和抗菌抗病毒


可對抗感冒和流感、 念珠菌感染

有效改善 過敏、 膀胱感染、鏈球菌、 潰瘍病瘡、 寄生蟲

有效舒緩支氣管炎、 冷瘡、牙齦疾病、 頭皮屑、 癬、 昆蟲咬傷、 腳癬及痤 瘡

純植物性 絕無副作用



野生牛至油一個在過去幾個世紀為地中海居民保存健康的秘密,是一特效保健品。它的最主要成份為香芹酚(Carvacrol),經過檢驗,證實是人類所發現最強抗菌劑。 適合關注人仕: 感冒、傷風、喉炎、咳嗽、疲倦、口腔炎、過敏症、關節炎、膀胱炎、腎病、肝炎、頭痛、胃潰瘍、消化不良、各類寄生蟲、鼻竇炎、支氣管炎、哮喘、前列腺炎、口氣、牙肉腫痛、牙痛、頭皮、暗瘡、肉贅、身體酸軟、各類傷口、背痛、香港腳、指甲菌、皮膚紅腫、紅斑、頭虱、傷疤等。


Medicinal ingredients: Each 4 drops (0.16 mL) Contains: Organic Oil of Oregano* (Origanum vulgare) (aerial) 30 mg, (minimum 80% carvacrol) 24 mg, Vitamin E (d-alpha-tocopherol) 1 mg AT (1.49 IU) Non-medicinal ingredients: Organic Cold Pressed Extra Virgin Olive Oil. * Derived from wild-crafted Mediterranean oregano. The oil is extracted from the hand-picked leaves using steam distillation, ensuring that the oil is chemical-free. DIETARY NEEDS Artificial Ingr. Free, Corn Free, Dairy Free, Organic, Soy Free, Wheat Free, Yeast Free CAUTIONS Do not use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Do not use if you have hypersensitivity or if you are allergic to herbs in the Lamiaceae family. Discontinue use if you experience gastrointestinal upset. Keep out of reach of children.


* 每次1~幾滴於舌下 或加入30毫升水或果汁慢慢吞嚥即可。 *外用: 將小量的油塗在患處,再用濕棉花用及透氣膠紙包好,每日2-3次

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