Dream Water Snoozeberry 4 Packsx 74 ml@

Dream Water Snoozeberry 4 Packsx 74 ml@

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Dream Water Snoozeberry 4 Packsx 74 ml@

Regular Price $16.29 Special Price $13.95

For anyone who has struggled with sleep, Dream Water, the fast-acting, zero-calorie, sleep aid, is the difference between going to bed and getting to sleep. Sleep is good, and Dream Water’s complete formula consisting of Melatonin, Gaba, and 5htp is the simple solution for falling asleep and staying asleep.


Dream Water is a fast acting and natural sleep solution. Take 74mL (1 bottle) 30 minutes prior to falling asleep. It provides a good night sleep and allows you to wake refreshed.

135mg of Gaba, 10mg of 5htp, and 5mg of Melatonin

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ManufacturerDream Water
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