Problem: Fading Fast
All of that sun and salty air is stripping your hair of your recent dye job, but you literally just colored it!
Tip: A deep conditioning mask will do the trick! After playing in the sun all day leave conditioner in for a minimum of 10 minutes and then rinse out with cool water.
Problem: Dried out and fried
Being in water is the ultimate goal of summer, but saltwater and chlorine can destroy those strands in no time.
Tip: After taking a dip in saltwater or a pool, rinse or spray your hair down with clean water. Getting the chlorine and salt off right away will help prevent it from absorbing and doing damage.
Problem: Chlorine strips and discolors hair
Chlorine can be a blondies worst enemy. It can be just one dive under the water and now your hair has a greenish tinge, and that is not the look you are going for!
Tip: Spray your hair down completely with clean water before hitting the pool. If you’re on vacation and this is day 5 at the pool, you can even apply conditioner to your hair before going in, this will help your hair from absorbing chlorine.
Problem: Split ends and Breakage
You pile all that hair on top of your head to avoid getting it wet or throw it in a sleek wet pony after taking a dip when you notice that your spit ends are spreading fast!
Tip: We often forget how delicate our hair is. Using a soft scrunchy instead of a elastic band will help prevent breakage on both wet and dry hair. It is best to wait until your hair is dry before putting it up and avoid brushing it when it’s wet.
Summer is the perfect time to get outside and have fun, just remember that sun damage is not just something that happens to your skin (don’t forget sunblock!). Wearing a hat, scarf, or bandana are perfect ways to help protect your hair from sun damage while still getting that healthy dose of vitamin D!
Article by Olivia Stonner
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