含六种有机药用菇类 可有效应增强体力 和免疫力
含专利的超强抗氧化物质 及生物类黄硐素精华 可预防癌症
有效预防感冒及流感病毒 抗过敏
我们专业的有机食用菌产品通过优化全谱处理和微粉化自然... 这种高品质的制剂中的组分已被证明在许多研究中,以显著加强的免疫反应。一个强大的免疫系统,有助于克服疾病和促进最佳的健康状态。免疫7®是一种强效-但安全-膳食补充剂,可以单独使用,或与主流治疗的组合。 免疫7®是当今最全面的免疫调节公式之一。我们严格控制有机食用菌栽培的方法,确保我们的产品的最高质量。最终的结果不需要照射,总是无转基因,远远超过其原有的效力。
Each capsule contains 325 mg of Immune Assist,™ composed of organic extracts and micronized organic full spectrum mycelia and fruiting bodies of the following mushrooms. Cultured on organic plant materials in a pure environment to maximize polysaccharide content and absorbability. Sun Mushroom (Agaricus blazei) 58.5% Beta-Glucans (1-6, D-Beta Glucan) Cordycept™ (proprietary HEAA Cordyceps sinensis) 30% Beta-Glucans, deoxyadenosine and other nucleosides) Maitake (Grifola frondosa) 28% Beta-Glucans (Protein bound Fraction extracted according to Dr. Nanba’s original formula) Shiitake Mushroom (Lentinus edodes) 40 % Beta-Glucans (including lentinan, alpha-glucan KS-2) Cloud Mushroom (Coriolus versicolor) 40% Beta-Glucans (including polysaccharides P and K) Red Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) 40% Beta-Glucans (1-3,{8}1-6 D-Beta Glucan, triterpenoids) Nutricol® Proprietary plant complex containing EGCG, OPC’s, theaflavin and resveratrol from green tea and grape. Other Ingredients: microcrystalline cellulose
依个人状况 每天2-6 粒 或依医生嘱咐服用
Barcode | 815555000098 |
Manufacturer | Purica |
SKU | 12000009 |
Free Shipping | Yes |
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