Silver Cross Wave/Coast Car Seat Adaptors

Silver Cross Wave/Coast Car Seat Adaptors

Silver Cross Wave/Coast Car Seat Adaptors

CA$ 56.00

Wave accessories.

You can complete your look for Wave by choosing from a range of colour-coordinated accessories, crafted from luxurious materials, designed for your babies' comfort and protection. It all comes together beautifully.

For convenience when traveling, Maxi Cosi Mico 30, Maxi Cosi Mico Max 30, Nuna Pipa, Nuna Pipa Lite, Cybex Aton, Cybex Aton M, Cybex Cloud Q and Clek Liing infant car seats can be attached directly onto your Wave stroller frame (also compatible with the Silver Cross Coast stroller). To see the full ist of car seats compatible with your Wave, visit

Silver Cross. The best start in life.

  • Converts your Wave or Coast stroller into a travel system. Wave and Coast strollers and infant car seats sold separately.
  • Compatible with Maxi Cosi Mico 30, Maxi Cosi Mico Max 30, Nuna Pipa, Nuna Pipa Lite, Cybex Aton, Cybex Aton M, Cybex Cloud Q and Clek Liing infant car seats. Infant car seat sold separately.
  • Visit to see the full list of car seats compatible with your Wave
ManufacturerSilver Cross
Free Shipping Yes
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