Aleva Naturals 宝宝多用途疹膏 50ml

Aleva Naturals 宝宝多用途疹膏 50ml

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Aleva Naturals 宝宝多用途疹膏 50ml

CA$ 12.99




植物为基础的成分包括: 天然荷荷巴油 - 是不油腻,并有助于滋养肌肤,防止干燥。 天然金盏花提取物 - 金盏花提取物具有抗病毒,抗发炎的特性。金盏花局部用于减少炎症,出血控制和舒缓恼火组织。金盏花也被称为锅金盏花。 认证的有机芦荟 - 具有非凡的皮肤愈合的好处,并舒缓干燥受损肌肤。减轻发炎,红肿,瘙痒舒缓并提供柔软性和护腿。 天然洋甘菊油 - 是对干性皮肤有益的,特别是在有红肿或灵敏度。这是舒缓,防止皮肤爆发有用的抗过敏剂。 认证的有机橄榄油 - 是舒缓干裂的皮肤极佳的保湿剂。 认证的有机牛油果 - 具有舒缓,愈合性能并含有丰富的维生素A和维生素E 天然杜松提取物 - 是一种抗炎剂,公知的用于治疗皮肤炎症,例如痤疮,湿疹和牛皮癣。其防腐剂在活动治疗伤口的帮助。 维生素E - 会妨碍皮肤的氧化过程,促进柔软的皮肤。作为一种抗氧化剂是维护皮肤和促进愈合。维生素E油是一种润肤剂,并有助于使皮肤感觉柔软和光滑,减少开裂和刺激。


Its natural, plant-based ingredients include: Natural Jojoba oil – is non greasy and helps to nourish the skin and prevent dryness. Natural Calendula Flower Extract – Calendula extracts have anti-viral, anti inflammatory properties. Calendula used topically to reducing inflammation, controlling bleeding and soothing irritated tissue. Calendula is also known as pot marigolds. Certified Organic Aloe Vera – Has marvellous skin healing benefits and is soothing for dry damaged skin. Relieves inflammation, redness, soothes itching and provides softness and shin. Natural Chamomile Oil – is beneficial for dry skin, especially where there is redness or sensitivity. It is an anti-allergenic agent that is useful to soothe and prevent skin eruptions. Certified Organic Olive Oil – is an excellent moisturizer for soothing parched skin. Certified Organic Shea Butter – has soothing, healing properties and is rich in Vitamin A and Vitamin E Natural Juniper Berry Extracts – is an anti-inflammatory agent, known to treat skin inflammations such as acne, eczema and psoriasis. Its antiseptic activities help in treating wounds. Vitamin E – Hinders the oxidizing process in the skin and promotes soft and supple skin. As an antioxidant it defends the skin and promotes healing. Vitamin E oil is an emollient and helps make skin feel softer and smoother, reduces cracking and irritation.



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